Interesting things to know about Dogra Cuisine served in traditional way in Doona-Pattal

Dogras are known for their rich culture and heritage. Among the various aspects of Dogra culture is the celebration at the time of marriage and other occasions such as birth of a child. Dogras also observe various rituals for their deceased relatives such as half yeary, yearly and  4th death anniversary of their relatives who … Read more

The Dogra trumpet – KAEL

​Dogra’s have a rich musical history which is imbued with diversity in terms of forms, styles, kinds of instruments used, the way they are played, and more. While some of these forms and instruments made their way to the present and got their share of mainstream fame quite successfully, there are others which could not … Read more

Things to Know About Nag Panchami: Essential festival of Dogra culture

Naag Panchami dogra

Naag Panchami, is a key Hindu festival dedicated to Serpent gods. Various stories and folklores are associated with the day and the day itself is celebrated on separate dates according to the local culture. While the nation celebrated Naag Panchami in August, Nag Panchami, a traditional way to faithfully worship the serpent deity in Dogra households. The … Read more

Why Kanjak pooja on the ninth day only in Navratras?

Navratras, or the nine holy days of worshipping Godess Durga finish today. The last two navratras are reserved for Kanjak Pooja. In Kanjak Pooja, young girls are fed ritually, as they are believed to be manifestation of Durga Herself. After finishing eight or nine navratras, devotees invite young girls to their place, or sometimes in … Read more

6 Things that every Dogra does during Janamashtami

Janamashtami is a big day and celebrated all over India. Jammu too shares similar traditions and celebrates Janamashtami its own way. Though our traditions might be similar to the rest of India, yet there is a special charm to our Duggar and its celebrations of the day. Jammu Virasat compiles a list of activities that … Read more

5 Qualities You Will Find only In Dogras according to 100 years Old Book

love for family dogra

Written By  Abhishek Khajuria 100 years old book tells quality of a Dogra Dogras have always been a formidable warrior. As they fought on numerous fronts, a number of accounts of their valour have been recorded. Jammu Virasat has found a 100 years old book, Sepoy, by a British army-man who characterizes a Dogra in … Read more

3 Superstitions of Dogra’s to guess if there is a guest coming over today

Popular Superstitions jammu

All of us are superstitious – to a certain level.  But, sometimes superstitions get too funny to follow; like in the case of certain Dogra superstitions. These are things a Dogra will follow till death, be it serious or ridiculously funny. Here is our Chatro Bhenji, telling you how to guess if there is a guest … Read more