Interesting things to know about Chamliyal Mela

Chamliyal Mela Jammu kashmir

The centuries-old Chamliyal Mela is being organized every year with much pomp and show at No Man’s Land with zeal and enthusiasm along the International Border (IB) in the Ramgarh where people gather on either side of the border and exchange “Shakkar” the earth and “Sharbat” (Water) between Indian and Pakistani people under the supervision of … Read more

Interesting things to know about Chamliyal Mela

Chamliyal Mela Jammu kashmir

The centuries-old Chamliyal Mela is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm along the International Border (IB) in the Ramgarh , with traditional exchange of sacred ‘shakkar’ (holy soil), ‘sharbat’ (holy water) and ‘chaddar’ with Pakistan. The Chamliyal Mela is being organized every year with much pomp and show at No Man’s Land where people gather on … Read more

How much do you know about the Dogri Folk Dances?

dogra dance folk dance

Folk Dances in Jammu province:: Dances express the innermost joy and happiness of a man. These are the real pictures of the life of the people and their folk culture. Dances are always connected with some fairs, festivals or worship of God or Goddess. Main dances of Jammu Province are Dogri Bhangra, Gogri Dance, Letri … Read more

Dogri lohri geet

Lohri song dogri

Songs are an inseparable part of the Lohri festival. The highlight of the celebration of the occasion is in fact the singing of traditional songs especially related to the festival during nighttime while dancing round the bonfire. Jammu Virasat brings you Dogri lohri geet.

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हिरणा-हिरणा शाली दे,सुते दे बिजाली दे
हिरणे मारी लते दी,चूड़ पजी खटे दी|
हरण आया समोती दा,खोलो जंदरा कोठी दा|

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Wish you a happy Lohri!

Why Kanjak pooja on the ninth day only in Navratras?

Navratras, or the nine holy days of worshipping Godess Durga finish today. The last two navratras are reserved for Kanjak Pooja. In Kanjak Pooja, young girls are fed ritually, as they are believed to be manifestation of Durga Herself. After finishing eight or nine navratras, devotees invite young girls to their place, or sometimes in … Read more