2006 Srinagar sex abuse scandal: What happened when?

Kashmir sex scandal

AFTER A 12-year trial, the special CBI court in Chandigarh on Wednesday held five persons — including former BSF DIG K C Padhi and former Jammu and Kashmir Police DSP Mohammad Ashraf Mir — guilty in the 2006 Srinagar sex abuse scandal. The Case The 12-year-old case pertains to the involvement of top police officials, … Read more

An innocent is wrongly shamed in Kathua Rape Case

kathua rape case wrong image

Vishal, who is only 22, and runs a canteen in a school is being passed off as one of the 8 accused in Kathua case. He is in a shock and is receiving hate messages from all over the country. Media and the “Samaritans” did numerous blunders in reporting the Kathua murder (alleged rape and … Read more

Fake government job racket busted in Jammu & Kashmir

Srinagar police has busted a fake job racket by arresting three of its members. The gang was cheating innocent people of the state by promising them government jobs. Police has also seized appointment letters with Government Departmental Logo’s, service books with fake seal and signature of Government Officials, relieving and transfer orders. The gang also … Read more

Shame! Government ambulance demands Rs 2700 from firing victim

The lives of border residents of Jammu, Poonch and Rajouri, who face death everyday, is seemingly less valuable to them. The border residents of the state are under constant threat of life because of cross border firing from Pakistan. After one such incident, a little girl was injured in Mendhar sector Jammu. Because of her … Read more

Moulvi molests younger brother in Kashmir

It’s almost every day that one hears news of sexual assualts and rapes, but rare are incidents where the accused is a religious teacher! Still rarer is this story from South Kashmir.

According to a news report by Punjab Kesari, a moulvi, molested a young boy, who was none other than his own brother. The incident took place in Acchhabal of South Kashmir. The accused threatened to kill the 15 years old boy in case he reveals the heinous crime. A case has been registered under Section 377 and the accused is behind bars. Here is the news clip

Jammu becoming smart-theft city

Cyber thefts are no more an “outside” things for Jammu. Coincidentally, the trend seems to be coming from Lakhanpur border. The victim hails from Chadwal, Kathua and was duped by a clever impersonator. The cyber thief claimed to be from customer service and asked for her ATM PIN. Somebody called Ms Reena Kumari and told … Read more

Here’s All We Know About The Baffling Cases Of Women’s Braids(Choti) Being Mysteriously Chopped Off

A strange fear has gripped the women of Jammu and adjoining areas of Jammu in the past few days. At least 7 incidents of women’s braids(Choti) being mysteriously chopped off have been reported from the villages of the Jammu, RS Pura and Samba region in last two weeks. The bizarre incidents with no explanation whatsoever, … Read more

Effect of Ram Rahim Verdict in Jammu & All you need to know about him in 10 points

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Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was found guilty of rape by a special CBI court in Panchkula, Haryana, on Friday. He was immediately taken into judicial custody; he will be sentenced on Monday. This has effected more than ten trains were today cancelled from Jammu Tawi Railway Station in view of Court … Read more