2006 Srinagar sex abuse scandal: What happened when?

Kashmir sex scandal

AFTER A 12-year trial, the special CBI court in Chandigarh on Wednesday held five persons — including former BSF DIG K C Padhi and former Jammu and Kashmir Police DSP Mohammad Ashraf Mir — guilty in the 2006 Srinagar sex abuse scandal. The Case The 12-year-old case pertains to the involvement of top police officials, … Read more

Rasana village: Ignored by media, betrayed by nation

the story of villagers from Rasana

People have locked their houses and taken shelter under the shade of a banyan tree. Ahead of harvest season, their crops have already been destroyed by stray cattle. They go back to their houses during morning only to return back to the tree in a couple of hours. Many of their women have not eaten … Read more