People SEE electricity for the first time in this JK village

Although India has been independent for more than 70 years now yet there is a long way to go before we call ourselves a developed nation. Around 3-4% of Indian villages still lack one basic amenity- Electricity. According to news by Jammu Links News a remote village of J&K got electrified for the first time. Here are a few quick facts about this villager.Electricity first time in Jammu Kashmir village

Village Batambis is a remote village which is 13000 feet above sea level and 55 km away from Kargil.

The village Batambis has only 60 households with a total population of only 700 people.

The village faces extreme winters are the temperature here drops 30 centigrade below the freezing point. The village remains covered by 4-5 feet snow for around 5 months of a year.

The village still lacks mobile connectivity and the villagers have to travel to distant mountain pass, at a height of 14000 feet to access mobile signals.

The village has been electrified by a DC solar micro grid of 6kW capacity with a capability of 3 days’ backup in case of cloudy days.

The noble effort of electrifying the village was achieved efforts of the Global Himalayan Expedition, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Authority and the Eicher Group Foundation.

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Story of Jammu-Udhampur Highway

Jammu Udampur Highway

Video made by AFCONS Infrastructure Limited a civil engineering & construction company showcasing rebuilt of Jammu-Udhampur Highway. It is the national highway and the road in Jammu and Kashmir that connects municipal committee of Udhampur with Jammu City. The highway is 64 kilometres long passing through lofty mountain terrains. The highway also provides road link which connects Katra with rest of India. The highway is the small part of Srinagar Jammu National Highway.

The highway is in the process of major reconstruction. The task is being carried out by National Highway Authority of India funded by Government of Jammu and Kashmir. The whole highway is being rebuilt as four lane road with better bitumen pavement, new traffic sign boards, foot paths, tax toll offices, traffic signals, introduction of new tunnels with minimum number of road curves which would not only provide comfort to the passengers but would also reduce distance between Udhampur and Jammu to certain extent.