FM stations to be monitored soon in Jammu & Kashmir

What if we tell you that your favourite FM radio stations are under scanner? J&K Information department has taken a move which could seriously change the way your favourite FM channels broadcast content. The department has written letters to Deputy Commissioners of Jammu and Srinagar seeking monitor over private FM channels. Here’s the complete news

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Read also: Cover your ears– radio is polluting Jammu!

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Radio Kashmir Jammu – That Completes 70 Years

This December, the Radio Kashmir Jammu turned 70 years old. Starting on December 1, 1947, it was set up to counter virulent anti-India propaganda by Pakistan being broadcast by Lahore and Peshawar radio stations. Here are some quick facts about the first radio station of the state: Jammu Radio Station of the RKJ was inaugurated … Read more

Monopoly of BIG 92.7 FM is over in Jammu

BIG 92.7 FM, after enjoying certain monopoly for over a decade in Jammu, being the only private FM radio station of the city in a race now. The competition comes from two popular FM stations- Radio Mirchi and Red FM. Both the stations launched one after another on consecutive days; Radio Mirchi launched on October … Read more