Rs 30 lakh seized from a jhuggi; Rohingyas involved!

Police have seized Rs 30 lakh from a jhuggi of Rohingya-Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in Channi Himmat area of Jammu city. Here are a few facts about the news:

  • Of the 30 lakh, Rs 27 lakh was in form of Rs 500 and Rs 2000 notes, while the rest was in notes of lesser denomination.
  • The seized cash was kept in a plastic container concealed under scrap and in a suitcase.
  • Police have arrested three illegal immigrants, members of a single family, for investigating the source of such a huge amount.
  • According to the arrested immigrants, the money belongs to Ismayil and Noor Alam, both aged 19 and 21 years.
  • They have also told that Ismayil and Noor Alam have gone to Bangladesh two-three days earlier.
  • The apprehended persons could not explain how the duo can travel to Bangladesh without valid passports.
  • Both Islamayil and Noor Alam have been living in Jammu for the last five-six years.
  • The police are probing various possibilities, including hawala money to fund terror activity, human trafficking from Myanmar, drugs or theft.

    Read also: Jammu’s Rohingya Problem

It is high time that terror links and other notorious activities by these illegal immigrants be probed and the mass appeal of repatriating them be accepted at the earliest.

The Pakistan sponsored insurgents have repeatedly tried to alter the demography of most regions of the state. The patience of the people of Jammu which has already been tested over and over again should not be allowed to reach the point of no return. Therefore, it is in Jammu’s and the larger Indian interest to ensure that this issue is settled before it aggravates into a full blown problem and further complicates matters in this troubled state. After all more than 10,000 migrants with dubious credentials in a communally sensitive medium sized city like Jammu can certainly have adverse effects. One can only hope that the central government takes note of Jammu’s Rohingya problem and evicts them to a suitable place which can absorb these migrants in a better manner.

Source: Indian Express