Diwali Bakshish: How it is Very Important

By JV Team

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Diwali Bakshish

The festival of Diwali brings with it an atmosphere of Light, Sweets, Gifts, Cheer, Positivity and of course a forgotten but special Diwali budget that most of us do not plan at all. Yes, the budget in question here is the Diwali Bakshish budget.

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The Diwali Bakshish has now become a necessity and on the societal ladder of a pecking order there are people who have to be kept in mind. The Bakshish amount can vary obviously depending on which part of Jammu and Kashmir you live in and the number of people you depend on for your daily chores.

The people who would will ask a Bashish from you are as follows:

1. The Government department staff that you see only on Diwali.

They are the Electrician, Post-Man, Telephone Line-Man, PHE workers andMunicipal Safai Karmcharis. These people are very particular about not asking for sweets and understand only hard cash as Bakshish.

Of course, if you are feeling generous, you can offer them both.

The standard sentences are: 1. Happy Diwali Sir/Madam   2. Diwali ka inaam   3. Mere saath 2-3 log aur hain.

The result of not giving Bakshish

You may have never in your life seen these people working but there is no debating the fact that you cannot deny them Bakshish. If you do deny the Diwali amount for instance, there is always that fear of ‘malfunction’ and the day you need them, they may not come at all.

2. The Second group of people you need to keep in mind are Domestic Help, cook, Driver/s, Full time Domestic help, Gardener, security guard, the parking lot guy

This is a tricky group of people. They almost always do not directly ask for Diwali Bakshish but if you ignore them, you are in for a ride. These are people that you depend on daily for work that you do not do yourself. You suddenly may stop finding their assistance or hear about demands of increases in salary.

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Since this group can be really confusing, some serious planning needs to go in for the second group.

Though, Diwali Bakshish is a personal choice, changing times have made Bakshish important and that is why it demands space in your Diwali Budget planning. In fact, it is better to give something that would be acceptable to both the parties.

If you consider giving away some money as a simple act of love for those you consider are in need, Bakshish will never come across as burden.

JV Team

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