The story behind Surinsar and Mansar Lake

Jammu is a land of shrines and pilgrimages. They are numerous and varied, and belongs to various faiths. There is hardly a village or town which does not have a shrine of its own. And many of them are of more than local importance. Jammu province has three lakes, Mansar, Surinsar and Sanasar. The first … Read more

Need of the hour: Preservation of lakes or luxury cars?

The fact that Mansar and Surinsar lakes of Jammu region are facing existential threat due to lack of funds and proper implementation of conservation plans, official agencies are investing lakhs in buying luxurious battery-operated cars. Many eyebrows have already risen due to the move. Here is why: It is said that the wildlife department and … Read more

Fish migration from Jammu


The word migration doesn’t always come with negative annotation; sometimes there is a greater good behind the move. Wildlife department is also planning “migration” of fish from the Mansar lake. Mansar lake, one of the biggest freshwater lake in the Shivalik Mountains that is facing an unprecedented threat to its existence from the carp fish … Read more

Carp fish causing problem in Mansar Lake


Apart from Government’s apathy towards developing the Mansar lake of Jammu region another critical element is eroding the borders of the lake. This erosion poses great threat to surrounding buildings. On one hand, water level has reduced in the lake while on the other hand locals are constantly apprehensive of erosion damaging their buildings, according … Read more