Wish they had not said that: Controversial statements made by Jammu & Kashmir politicians in 2017

As is their wont, politicians in Jammu & Kashmir routinely make bizarre and controversial statements. They at times eat their words but mostly stand their ground. 2017 was no different. There were numerous occasions through the year when leaders across the political spectrum threw caution to the wind and shot their mouth off.

Here’s video of statements made by Jammu & Kashmir politicians that whipped up much controversy:

Funny situation: Farooq Abdullah shook Modi’s hand and IGNORED Rahul Gandhi?

Rahul Gandhi has people rolling on the floor once again. This time he didn’t say anything funny, but a rather funny situation occurred with him.

In the monsoon session of Parliament, where the new members in the Lok Sabha were asked to take oath. Farooq Abdullah also took oath and later he walked around to meet everyone.

Just as he was passing through another row of MPs, shaking their hands, Rahul Gandhi, who was sitting in the row behind, stands up to greet Farooq. Watch what happens

We can not say for sure that Rahul got up to shake Farooq’s hand and that it was Farooq who ignored him. It could have been that Rahul got up out of courtesy and his action may have been justified.

But the damage is done and people are sure having their last laugh.