School running in dense forest under open sky in Udhampur

By JV Team

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school udhampur

They brave wild animals and weather conditions. They learn under the sky but they are not related to Mowgli. We are talking about students of Primary School Lower Saddal, in Moungri area of Udhampur udhampur

The school was washed away in floods of 2014 and nothing has yet been done to renovate it. As a result, the students take classed in open, in the forest, without any basic amenities like drinking water and toilet, let alone a roof to cover their heads.

Sarpanch Panjar Romesh Singh told Early Times that in September 2014 landslides occurred in Saddal village in which 40 persons lost their lives and whole village buried under the debris. He added that there are 19 students Boys and girls face hardship after the damage of school building school running in dense forest under open sky to studies badly affect the studies of the students and there are no water and bathroom facilities for students due to this the girl students worst suffers . During rains, there is no option but to call off the day. He added that despite repeated pleas to the concerned authorities, the local MLA , Former Ministers etc nothing has been done so far.

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He further says,

“We have requested the authorities Chief Education Officer , Zonal Education officer several times in written about the issue, but till date we are waiting for their reply”

Once brought into light, now the Deputy Commissioner Udhampur Ravinder Kumar has asked the concerned officer to submit a detailed report about the school. He has promised that funds are also available for the said school and an enquiry will be made to acertain the delay.