Students have to Cross the river to study in This School of Udhampur

Cross the river to study in This School of Udhampur

Seems like district Udhampur has been seriously forsaken by the authorities assigned with development works. A couple of days back, we posted about a school of Moungri area of Udhampur where students take classes under the sky, in a forest. Today we bring news about a similar village. Today, our subject is the students of … Read more

School running in dense forest under open sky in Udhampur

school udhampur

They brave wild animals and weather conditions. They learn under the sky but they are not related to Mowgli. We are talking about students of Primary School Lower Saddal, in Moungri area of Udhampur district. The school was washed away in floods of 2014 and nothing has yet been done to renovate it. As a … Read more

New subjects and streams sanctioned in Government college in Jammu & Kashmir

new courses colleges jammu kashmir

After a long wait, the State Higher Education Department has finally introduced new subjects and streams in 36 Government Degree Colleges in the remote and far-flung areas of J&K. Sources claimed that nearly 40 new Government Degree Colleges had been opened in the state since 2008 but the Higher Education Department had failed to introduce … Read more

Voice of Dogras heard; on social media!

Social media is doing a wonderful job connecting people around the world. Jammu too is using the medium to voice its concerns and raise its voice. One such example surfaced recently where the official website of the prestigious IIM Jammu was presenting a picture of Kashmir instead of Jammu. As posted by the facebook page … Read more