GCW Parade issue or Dera violence something is not right or may be wrongly right

The College Teachers’ Association, which had called for a ‘Pen Down Strike’, organised a seminar at the Government College of Women College for Women, Gandhi Nagar, where teachers and several ex-principals participated and condemned the government order for removing Sudan without any inquiry. The association is distraught by the way no inquiry was done before taking action against the Principal after students protested and accused her of issuing dress code diktats in the name of discipline.The CTA also demanded that in future if any allegation is leveled against any college teacher or a principal, an impartial inquiry must be conducted before taking any action.

Read also:  GCW Parade: When you run out of excuses, PROTEST

Yesterday, Ram Rahim Verdict Aftermath: 31 Killed, 250 Injured, 550 detained as Dera Followers Unleash Violence in Panchkula.

Ram Rahim’s supporters taught us a lesson which we were in need of badly. A couple of days back, students from Government College for Women, with obvious support from wannabes from the outside, put the city to halt. What could have been easily solved within the college campus in a dignified manner was brought to the roads and the city’s traffic was disrupted!

These are two separate incidents with an immense difference in quantum of protesters  and case but the temper of protest in both is of vendetta.  It is clear now sometimes how mobs do not essentially represent the right ones!

The College Staff Secretary rightly demanded that if there are any charges against the principal, an inquiry should be made. Another fact supported by the college staff is that all ruckus began with the arrival of outside elements. Why on earth alien to the college, need to intervene? Had they been a part of the college before the incident, they might have some right to stand up! Nobody seems to mention as to why frantic phone calls to the nearby boys’ school and colleges made!

Live Facebook videos have shown the truth of both the parties- the agenda-lacking young blood and the calm & composed college staff. Right from the first day, it has been nothing but vendetta by the students and an excursion by the outsider wannabes.