Carp fish causing problem in Mansar Lake

By JV Team

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Apart from Government’s apathy towards developing the Mansar lake of Jammu region another critical element is eroding the borders of the lake. This erosion poses great threat to surrounding buildings. On one hand, water level has reduced in the lake while on the other hand locals are constantly apprehensive of erosion damaging their buildings, according to Tribune India report. It is ironic that in wake of receding water level, banks of the lake are still eroding. Here are some observations on the matter:

  • Although sans any substantial study to back, the locals blame Carp fish, which was introduced a decade ago by authorities. It is to be noted that Carp is not native to the lake.Mansar-lake-fish
  • Carp is said to dig mud to lay eggs. Since fishing is prohibited in the lake, the number of fish is ever increasing in the lake which keep on digging mud in the lake.
  • People of Kandi belt of Samba district, who are supplied water from the lake, allege that the water has turned unfit for drinking after the introduction of the fish. The fish is also blamed for rising cases of jaundice in the area. Prof. RK Ganjoo, of Department of Geology, Jammu University says,
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“It is matter of scientific debate whether the fish are responsible for erosion or its expansion. Water bodies along the Himalayas are facing a threat due to siltation, it could be one reason. As the forest cover is reducing, the soil from the surrounding hills could be piling up on the banks in large amounts”

  • The only good development in the case seems to be this statement of Wildlife Officer, Neeraj Badu, who says,

“We are planning to relocate the fish from the lake. The issue has been discussed several times. We will soon conduct a detailed scientific study”

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