5 Ways To Beat Summers In Jammu

By JV Team

Updated On:

Ranbir Canal jammu

With temperatures soaring above 40°C, and no respite from frequent power cuts, you are left to cope with the summers in Jammu on your own. We at Jammu Virasat present to you 5 such coolers that will keep you hydrated and alive this season.

1) Baanta: Baanta, a desi carbonated lemon drink, sprinkled with some black salt is the ultimate refreshment.

banta wale Fattu choughan jammu

2) Sugar cane juice: Sugar cane juice or Row, as it is called in Jammu, is readily available.

sugar cane jammu row

3) Gund gateera: Gund gateera, a traditional Dogra beverage, has been revamped and available everywhere as “Dilli ki Mashhoor Shikanji” for a couple of years. The drink is refreshing as well as healthy.

Gund gateera, jammu

4) Laccha Kulfi: Savouries like kulfi, the traditional Indian ice-cream which melt slowly into the mouth, are the best pick by shoppers in crowded markets and a much needed treat during late-night summer walks.

Laccha Kulfi jammu

5) A stroll by the River/canal side: The banks of Canal or river, drawing ice cold water from the Chenab , are thriving with visitors, especially in the evenings. A walk, by the canal, while having an ice cream is more of an experience than just refreshment.

Ranbir Canal jammu

If your favorite roadside cooler is not in the list do let us know.

We just can’t imagine summers without these beverages.