5 Things Pakistan Has Not Admitted Yet

Pakistan’s foreign minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif has openly accepted that terrorist outfits like Jaish e Mohammed and Lashkar e Toiba are based in Pakistan. Pakistan has admitted the truth only after the bashing that BRICS nations put Pakistan to. Here are a few other facts that we hope Pakistan admits soon:

Dawood is in Pakistan: Dawood Ibrahim, the underworld don, and international terrorist.. yes! He is one of the 10 most wanted international criminals!; Pakistan needs to admit that they have harboured Dawood for long and is protected by the state machinery of Pak.Dawood is in Pakistan

Their ‘social worker’ is others’ terrorist:

Though Pakistan may call him a humanitarian and social worker, Hafiz Saeed, leader of Jamaat ud Dawah, is a terrorist and is involved in inciting violence and unrest in Jammu Kashmir and rest of India also.Their ‘social worker’ is others’ terrorist

Claims on Kashmir lies:

Pakistan also needs to admit that all through the years, they’ve been trying to fool the international community on Kashmir issue and that their claims on this part of India were illegitimate.pakistan claim on kashmir

All wars lost:

Pakistani public is taught that they’ve won all wars with India. It is high time that they shunned these fake stories and disclose them that they’ve lost all the wars miserably.pak lost all wars

The two-nation theory was a failure:

Mohammad Ali Jinnah created Pakistan as a country for Muslims. He believed in two-nation theory according to which India was to be for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims. His theory failed when Pakistan broke into two at creation of Bangladesh. Millions were died, first during partition and then during the 1971 war. All could have been avoided, had there been no such theory.