White flags raised in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

POJK white flag

Security personnel in Tarkundi sector of Rajouri district are witnessing an unprecedented event. On one hand, Pakistani side is constantly trying to infiltrate terrorists into the Indian side amid heavy cross border firing, the civilians on the other side, in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), are demanding peace in a unique way. Residents of … Read more

Jammu Sunjuwan attack: JeM chief Masood Azhar’s audio tapes expose Pakistan

Sunjuwan Military Station fact sheet

On February 10, a group of heavily armed Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists entered the Sunjuwan army camp after hurling grenades and using automatic gunfire. While Pakistan has denied the involvement of terrorists based on its soil, JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar has not shied away from claiming credit for his role. In an audio clip, Azhar brags about carrying out the attack at Jammu army … Read more

5 Things Pakistan Has Not Admitted Yet

Pakistan’s foreign minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif has openly accepted that terrorist outfits like Jaish e Mohammed and Lashkar e Toiba are based in Pakistan. Pakistan has admitted the truth only after the bashing that BRICS nations put Pakistan to. Here are a few other facts that we hope Pakistan admits soon: Dawood is in Pakistan: … Read more