Recorded HOTTEST and COLDEST days of Jammu

Jammu Heat highest coldest day

Every year newspapers and news channels shock us with the year being the hottest and about recording the hottest and the coldest day. The way they present the news, seems like every year is getting ever hotter in the summers and the coldest ever likewise. So Jammu Virasat has decided to end the confusion for … Read more

Jammu records lowest day temperature after heavy rains and Leh is the coldest place in the state

Jammu, the winter capital capital of Jammu and Kashmir, today recorded its lowest temperature this season as mercury nose-dived nine notches below the normal amid incessant rains. The mercury reached a maximum of 14.3 degree Celsius against yesterday’s 23.1, a Spokesperson of the Met department said. The drop in the day temperature was due to … Read more