Huge number of postgraduates register as ‘unemployed’ in state

The staggering number of ‘unemployed’ postgraduates in conflict-ridden Jammu and Kashmir has exposed the gravity of the situation as more than 1.2 lakh youths have registered themselves with the district employment and counselling centres in only 10 days. According to the state employment department, which started the process of registering the unemployed postgraduates, over 1.2 … Read more

Jammu has double the unemployed youth than Kashmir?

Contrary to government claims of equal treatment to Kashmir and Jammu regions, and despite various “employment generation” schemes, unemployment in Jammu region is way higher than in Kashmir. Here is what statistics say: In Jammu and Kashmir state, among registered unemployed youth, there are 390 illiterates 5357 middle-pass 21530 matriculates 26213 12th pass 3286 diploma … Read more