Security situation in the State has witnessed an improvement

The security situation in the State has witnessed an improvement in the first half of this year over the corresponding period of 2018. Net infiltration has reduced by 43% and local recruitment has declined by 40%. Terrorist initiated incidents have declined by 28%. Actions initiated by the security forces witnessed an increase of 59% and … Read more

In 5 years, death of jawans in terror attacks rose by 106% in J&K

The attack on a CRPF convoy in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district on February 14 killed 44 CRPF personnel in the deadliest attack on security forces in decades. The death of jawans in terror attacks has risen 106 percent in Jammu and Kashmir in the past five years, according to data from the South Asia Terrorism Portal. In … Read more

Since 1989 Security forces have recover huge cache of arms and ammunition in Jammu Kashmir

huge arms and ammunition kashmir

Security forces engaged in counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir since 1989 have done well during all these years of secessionist violence and terrorism. They have prevented a large number of terror attacks and also exposed series of major terror plots leading to timely detection and recovery of over 13,000 kilograms of RDX explosive material. … Read more

Read about details of the funds spent on the security of 14 Hurriyat leaders from 2008 to 2017

security hurriyat leader

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today told the Legislative Assembly that the state had spent around Rs 11 crore on the security and transportation fuel of Hurriyat Conference leaders in the past 10 years. Mehbooba, while responding to a cut motion moved by Independent MLA from Udhampur Pawan Gupta in the Assembly, shared the details of … Read more