Horrifying details have emerged on Human Toll in Jammu and Kashmir because of Kashmir Conflict

Militancy Kashmir

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today disclosed that in all, 363 militants, including 246 foreigners, and 71 civilians were killed during the last two years in the state. In all, 176 militants and suspects were also arrested in the state during the same period. The civilians were either killed by ultras or they lost their lives … Read more

4 Reasons explained why Kashmiri separatists rejected possibility of engaging with GOI interlocutor Dineshwar Sharma

Eight days after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh announced “sustained dialogue” on Jammu and Kashmir and appointed former Intelligence Bureau (IB) Director Dineshwar Sharma as Centre’s representative, the Valley separatists today dismissed the talks offer as futile exercise, read the reasons below:  The three top separatist leaders of Valley including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali … Read more

Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech: PM says Kashmir crisis cannot be resolved by bullets, abuse

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addressing the nation on the 71st Independence Day from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort, asserted that bullets or abuses will not resolve the Kashmir issue and that it can be addressed by embracing every Kashmiri. Prime Minister asserted that his government is committed to restoring the lost glory … Read more

Why glowing tributes to people killed on 13th July 1931 in Kashmir?

Martyar grave yard srinagar

Kashmir based organisations every year pay glowing tributes to “Martyrs of July 13, 1931”. Jammu Virasat decides to tell you the story behind the day and leave it to you as how you would like to treat those “martyrs”. Some background Maharaja Hari Singh had been popular among the masses for initial years of his … Read more