Rohingyas Go Back!

By JV Team

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Go back rohingyas jammu

By “Miscreant”

News is being spread about “miscreants” creating graffiti, defacing walls and telling Rohingyas to vacate Jammu. As usual, BJP is silent and Kashmir based bodies are condemning the act.

It is the very people who advocate “right to self determination” for Kashmiris and assume Jammuites to keep silent on illegal squatters. While demanding Azaadi from India is deemed constitutional right, a reasonable demand of deporting illegal immigrants, given their highly unlikely presence in this far off land, is termed misdemeanour.Go back rohingyas jammuIt must be noted that many other refugee groups, like the Tibetans and the Uighurs  have never been asked to leave from the state given their genuine need and proximity of their native lands with J&K. Rohingyas on the other hand are different: they’ve come from far, have been found indulged in flesh trade and drug dealing, do disregard birth control, and have sympathy for separatist movements and Rohingya militancy.

On the other hand, the West Pak Refugees, who are culturally and socially akin to Jammuites have been denied PRC meanwhile Rohingyas are busy getting their Voter ID cards, Aadhar Cards and PRCs. And how does one identify a Rohingya from a Bangladeshi immigrant? It is an open fact that most of the Rohingyas in India have entered through Bangladesh border and hence it should not come as a surprise for Rohingya sympathisers that they are not Rohingyas at all, but Bangladeshis in disguise. And once they turn out to be non-Rohingyas, they could be anyone- Bangladeshis, Pakistani spies or even Extra Terrestrial Beings.

Read also: Rohingyas caught doing the unexpected in Narwal

Disappointingly though, in August 2017, the central government had announced that it was planning to deport all 40,000 Rohingya refugees living in the country but the matter got dragged into the Supreme Court whose verdict was to come out on January 31st.

In such a state of affairs, where the Supreme Court’s verdict has been delayed, the youth have raised their concern, in manner befitting them. Let there be no doubt that if India Go Back is a norm here, Rohingyas Go Back should not raise any eyebrows.

JV Team

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