Corona Warrior: This Jammu Woman helping Covid positive mothers deliver healthy babies

By JV Team

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In these difficult times, when the world as a whole is locked up inside the homes and life has come to a still, there are few, who on the call of their duty and sense of responsibility are sleeves up for this war against unseen enemy. Health care workers, these days are running from pillar to post to cater to the crisis which mankind is going through. Drenched in sweat, packed in PPE kits, a whole army of healthcare and frontline workers is up in arms in this contest.

A reported by Daily excelsior in that army, one such soldier is Mamta Sharma. Despite helping mothers deliver 45 babies in the past three weeks, Senior Staff Nurse, Mamta Sharma herself hasn’t been able to hug her own children since COVID pandemic began. ‘My shift runs around 12 hours a day and when I reach home, I make sure that I am nowhere around my kids’. She works at MCH Gandhi Nagar and her job includes attending Neonatal Intensive Care Units, NICU and Paediatric Intensive Care Units, PICU.

Covid warrior jammu nurse
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‘We have successfully helped Covid positive mothers deliver healthy babies. The child is handed over only after the mother tests Covid negative’, she proudly explains. She has also helped conduct surgeries of various kinds on Covid positive patients.

While talking what is driving her to do her duty despite crises, Mamta proudly says that nothing gives her more happiness than seeing the smile on the faces of her patients. During the tough times of the pandemic, she said if there is one thing that is like a ray of hope, it is bringing a new life into the world. She said that the Doctors and the paramedics are working day and night to save the lives of the patients and are taking full precaution to ensure that COVID appropriate norms are followed in the Hospitals.

When asked about how she helps her kids with their studies, she says, ‘I and my husband have bought them a separate handset for online studies. I do not let them use my phone anymore. I sit at a distance and help them as much as I can’. She urged people like her who are in the front line of duty to take adequate precautions while at home so as to ensure the safety of their families.

She also urged the public to rise to the occasion and follow COVID appropriate behaviour like wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, frequent hand washing and avoid going out of their homes unnecessarily.

JV Team

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