COPY-PASTED and EXPOSED: News portals from J&K rush with fake news of Google boy

The story of sixteen-year-old Harshit Sharma being offered a Rs 12-lakh-per-month job by Google went viral after the public relations department of Chandigarh released a statement, congratulating the boy for his “achievement”.

Just after the first news about the boy came out, through whatsapp or what; our online news portals rushed to publish the news. They used the same old rule of copy-paste-it without going deep into the news.

As they say, you tell a lie a hundred times and it “becomes” the truth. Harshit’s school also got swayed with the news and issued congratulatory note for Harshit. Now the principal of the school is clarifying that despite congratulations, he is yet to see the offer letter of the boy.

Jammu Virasat was quick to catch some copy-paste organisations of J&K before they could delete proof of their folly. Sadly, not all of them could be caught, as some were quick to realise their mistake and so they deleted the post in time. Here are a few of the ones who got caught:jkmedia fake news

Since, copy-pasting wasn’t enough, they added the #HereIsTheTruth to make the news more authentic.kashir news trust

How could one TRUST you if you spread hoaxes?u4uvoice fake news

According to news report by theQuint , Google has denied having “any information regarding the appointment”. In a statement, the tech giant said, “Currently, we don’t have any information on our records with respect to Harshit Sharma’s candidacy.”

According to the HT report, the UT’s public relations department has also launched a probe into the matter.

Moreover, while Sharma’s school too released a statement congratulating the boy, its principal Indra Beniwal denied having seen a letter of appointment.

Since Google has denied these rumours, now we ask you to tell us, Who is he!