The dastardly attack on the bus carrying Amarnath Yatra pilgrims is condemned by one and all, even those from whom remorse is unexpected! As the news about the sad event unfolded, a hero emerged. You guessed it right- Salim Mirza.
All media showered him with unprecendented coverage and commendations. In this entire hullabaloo, another equally deserving brave heart hardly found any mention. His name is Harsh Desai.
Read also : Timeline of terror attacks on Amarnath yatra-a brief history

At the time of the attack
- Harsh was at the cleaner’s seat while Salim was sitting on the driver’s seat.
- When the first rounds were shot, Harsh told Salim to keep his head low and keep driving. Salim himself has given Harsh his due credit.
- Salim says that Harsh got the bullets which otherwise would have got him.
Why media chose to highlight only Salim
The attack was seen as an attack on Hindu pilgrimage and automatically an attack on the so called Secular fabric of the nation. Media wasted no time to create a hero of Salim, a Muslim.
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As we know, in popular media’s words: Terrorism has no religion but India is going through extremism in India is Hindu extremism!
Creating a Hindu hero for Hindu victims wasn’t rewarding enough, so they selectively created a Muslim hero.
Jammu Virasat duly appreciates the bravery of Salim Mirza but doesn’t count Harsh Desai’s quick decision and cool headedness any lesser.