6 Things you should know about the Jammu city riverfront Tawi project

By JV Team

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The Jammu & Kashmir government after facing a lot of backlash for not developing Jammu as a tourist destination, is going to develop the Tawi on lines of Gujarat’s Sabarmati River Front.

The project would give the river a facelift and beautify the city. Here are a few things you should know about the project:

1.The project will be a part of the Jammu Smart City plan.Jammu city riverfront on tawi project2. A 4.5 km stretch of river Tawi will be developed for the project to make it a tourist attraction
River tawi will be developed3.The river front will consist of wide walkways with access steps, ramps and ghats for pedestrians close to the water body.Walkways with access steps tawi river4. As per plans, flower garden, coffee shops, shopping malls, food courts, restaurants, pavilion, banquet halls, book shops and library would be set up on the river front areas.Tawi project5. The project also involves embankment on both sides of the Tawi with diaphragm walls, anchor slabs and retaining walls in the stipulated stretch on two levels.Tawi with diaphragm walls6. In order to develop Tawi River Front on the pattern of Sabarmati River Front, the MoU was signed between Jammu Development Authority (JDA) and Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation Ltd (SRFDCL), Ahmadabad.
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Special Purpose Vehicles formed for implementation of Smart City Plans for Jammu and Srinagar 

The pilot project area under the Tawi River Front Development project is the stretch of        3.5 km between the Fourth Tawi Bridge and Sher-e- Kashmir Bridge on both the banks        in the city of Jammu.River front tawi jammu project

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