Netizens from Jammu and kashmir discussing Shri Ram Sena advice

By JV Team

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Legislative Assembly yesterday adopted a resolution for implementing Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in Jammu and Kashmir through a Presidential order calling on the Centre to safeguard the special status and exclusive taxation powers of the State. Before this, Shri Ram Sena, asked business community from Jammu to shun all trade with Kashmir. This statement was a retaliatory move against massive opposition being faced by GST in Kashmir. How much of this call would be answered, is difficult to guess but netizens from Jammu as well as Kashmir came up in huge numbers to convey their thoughts filled with all sorts of emotions. Here are a few of them:

This gentleman, who can not even spell Jammu properly, countered the Sena like thisJammu you depend on kashmir

Another gentleman, not aware of the fact that NIA has already asked to stop trade across the LoC, is still dreaming of trade across the border
Connects kashmir

Somebody with somewhat better advice, asked the Sena to indulge in religious activityActivity comment

A young man from the state made sense when he asked everybody to work positively and facilitate the talented youth of the state


Another guy brought in electricity in the argument, though his comment “shocked” nobody


One Kashmiri young man innocently told his childhood experience of watching Ramayan TV series. He also opined that one shouldn’t hurt others in God’s name


Some lady had an entirely confusing and hateful comment with lots of spelling blunders


This man seems to be extremely optimistic and hopes to start a manufacturing unit. We wish him luckC5

This extreme guy plans on importing goods from Pakistan. If only Indian army would fulfill his wishC6

Boy, he surely has studied a lot and has solution to everything!


Well brother, your wish is granted, anyhow and GST has been passed finally. Let’s hope for peace!C8 Somewhere above thoughts are worrisome but we look forward for peace and good business in Jammu and Kashmir.

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