Jammu’s Work Culture: ‘Tumhari Naukri Meri Jooti par’

By JV Team

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Work culture jammu

If you speak with any local who has worked in an MNC or an Indian corporate outside of Jammu and Kashmir, they would generally complain about how there is no work culture in the state and how everyone is a ‘Shah’. While this is largely true, it is not something that is taking our state forward and the one’s who want to shine locally often find it difficult for the lack of intellectual stimulation that persists in any office, be it government or private.Work culture jammu


People are not dedicated enough towards their work which creates problem in the work culture and makes the whole system inefficient. Following a time table is like an anathema in our state and due to this ingrained thought meetings get postponed often thus creating a mess in the organisation. Such disengaged people not only create problem for themselves but they also bring down other people’s morale dispiriting them to a level where things get stuck and the whole system gets paralysed.


Our state officially is one of the most corrupt states in the country and it is true to say that the government departments are completely marred with corruption. The most disappointing thing about the state government is that influential people exploit the system as per their will by creating fake posts and adjusting their kith and kin. These ‘jugaadus’ don’t work at all because of the backing of a government ‘father’.

Dearth of well qualified people

Every company wants to hire skilled staff that has advanced skills which can help the company to progress. The problem is that we do not have well-qualified people in our state, the brightest minds relocate to metropolises or even abroad. Owing to the shortage of the skilled staff in the workforce the demand remains unmet. As a result, the low-skilled people are exploited with unending work and a healthy work environ never really develops.

Basically for employees it is – ‘Tumahri Naukri meri Jooti par’

Most of the people in Jammu division have a family business or at least they have a thought of starting one. They come from so called “supportive families”. This thought reflects that they do not want to work under someone’s guidance i.e. they cannot deal with authority. Such mindset exists as they know their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing can be met easily with the money they are gaining from the family business however big or small it may be.

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Salary packages

It is true that salary affect a worker’s productivity since it provides a purpose to work efficiently. It is claimed by most of the people that salary connotes job satisfaction and is directly proportional to the work delivered by the employee. Due to the dearth of industries in our state, there are not enough job opportunities and on top of that salary packages are not appreciable enough which discourages the loyalty and productivity. A balanced network of work can be maintained by incorporating monetary rewards which will ultimately improve the quality of work done by the person.

We can safely draw a conclusion that these things can be improved only if we overcome the lassitude and easy-going approach towards work.