Jammu & Kashmir most corrupt in North India; who is the most corrupt in J&K?

J&K features in the 5 most corrupt states of the country. A survey by the Centre for Media Studies shows that J&K is the 5th most corrupt state of India and the  most corrupt in North India.most corrupt department jammu kashmir

Since J&K is corrupt, one is bound to wonder as to who exactly contributes to this “achievement”. As an answer to this, the State Vigilance Commission, SVC, has issued a list of the 10 most corrupt departments of the State Government. According to a news report by the Daily Excelsior, here is the list

  1. Public Works/ Engineering
  2. Rural Development Department
  3. Revenue Department
  4. Police Department
  5. Social Welfare Department
  6. Health and Medical Education Department
  7. Power Development Department
  8. Forest Department
  9. Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department
  10. Education Department

The criteria for determining these “champions” was the number of complaints received against the said departments over the last four years. Here are some brief notorious traits of these departments which have resulted in their being featured in the list

Public Works/ Engineering Departments:

  • Withdrawal of payments against non executed/ non existent works
  • Execution of works without inviting tenders
  • Use of substandard material

Rural Development Department:

Revenue Department:

  • Fraudulent mutations in violation of prescribed norms
  • Tampering of revenue records in exchange of monetary benefits
  • Demanding bribe for issuance of revenue extracts
  • Facilitating illegal sale of State, forest and community lands

Police Department:

  • False implication of people
  • Seeking bribe for closing cases
  • Demanding benefits for passport verification

Social Welfare Department:

  • Misappropriation of funds meant for down trodden sections of the society
  • Illegal engagement of Anganwari workers and helpers

Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department

  • Misappropriation of ration
  • Pilferage of ration and kerosene oil
  • Black marketing

Health and Medical Education Department

  • Corruption in purchase of medicines and equipment for hospitals
  • Diverting patients from Government hospitals to private establishments
  • Doing private practice during office hours

Power Development Department

  • Grant of illegal power connections
  • Conniving theft of electricity
  • Inaction against illegal consumers
  • Procurement of supplies on exorbitant rates

Forest Department

  • Illegal felling of green trees by timber smugglers
  • Encroachment over forest land in connivance with the field officers
  • Undervaluation of forest produce

School Education Department

  • Appointment of ReTs in violation of norms
  • Misappropriation of funds drawn on account of Mid Day Meals Scheme
  • Procurement of sub-standard food for Mid Day Meals
  • Misappropriation of funds under SSA scheme