About Jammu & Kashmir Government Services That You Can Access Online

By JV Team

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In order to provide a conducive business environment under the Business Reforms Action Plan-2018, the Government has taken a decision to provide services having direct bearing on the business environment in `online mode’ , so that the stake holders can avail such services in a hassle-free manner. Here is a list of departments and the online services to be provided by them soon:
In J&K Tourism department, the services with regard to registration of hotels, guest houses, dealers and travel agents have now been made online.Jk gov online services

The services like obtaining license/ renewal of Retail sale and Wholesale establishments under the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules 1945 in the Health and Medical Education Department will be provided online.

For obtaining electricity connection from PDD, one has to apply on line.
In Finance Department, the services which are made online are: to obtain wholesale trade license, wholesale trade license manufacturer outside the State, license to manufacturers/ suppliers located outside the state/ attorney holders who in the state or a citizen of the State seeking independent license and who has authorized letter from either foreign liquor brands owning company or from the authorised importer in India for the purpose of registration or any foreign liquor brand and wholesale of BIO/ IFL; License to manufacturers / suppliers located outside the State for possession & wholesale of wine/ Indian / BIO bottled in origin; License for Wine shop, Bar with Hotel, Bar with Restaurant, Bar with Hotel, Bar with Hotel and Banquet Hall, Bar with Restaurant / Hotel License in Kargil/ Leh; Seasonal Bar License for Hotels, restaurant and Tour operators at camping sites only in Ladakh; Bar with Banquet Hall; Wholesale or retail of Foreign Liquor in a Military Canteen including Unit run Military Canteen or those run by PMFs; Master Canteen, Bottling Plant, Club, Retail vend of Beer in a Bar, Officers; Mess, Beer Bar License at Leh-Ladakh; License for possession and wholesale/ retail sale of Denatured Spirit/ Special Denatured Spirit/ Methylated Spirit/ Rectified Spirit/ Plain Spirit; License for possession and use of Absolute Alcohol/ Denatured Spirit/ Rectified Spirit/ Plain Spirit for Industrial use; License for possession Absolute Alcohol/ Denatured spirit/ Rectified Spirit/ Plain Spirit/ Methylated Spirit by Govt Institutions, Educational, Scientific and Research Organisations; Molasses, Distillery Brewery, Bonded Warehouse, Narcotics Drugs License and permit to serve liquor on social occasions at private places, banquet halls, party halls and restaurants etc.
In Industries and Commerce Department, the services which have been made online are- registration of new Industrial units ( Prov/EM-I), New Units (Formal/EM-II), registration of firms under J&K Partnership Act, 1996 SVT (1939 AD), Registration of Societies under J&K Registration of Societies Act, 1998 Svt (1941 AD), Issuance of land availability certificate by SIDCO/SICOP, Issuance of land allotment order by SIDCO/SICOP, approval of building plan, conducting plinth inspection of industrial buildings/ structures for issuance of pre-construction certificate by SIDCO/ SICOP in industrial areas, Issuance of pre-construction certificates by SICOP/SIDCO, conducting inspection for issuance of building completion/ occupancy certificate in Industrial Estates, Issuance of building completion/ occupancy certificate in Industrial Estates, Land allotment (approval/ rejection) by Apex Project Clearance Committee, Land allotment ( Approval/ Rejection) on the application by Single Window Clearance Committee at Divisional Level, Decisions on incentives under single window, Decisions (accept/ rejection) on registration of partnership firm on application, decision on (acceptance/ rejection ) on registration of Societies and obtaining water connection ( Industrial use).
In Geology and Mining Department, all the services with regard to decision ( acceptance/ rejection) on the application for Mining Lease (ML/Composite Lease/ Non-Exclusive Reconnaissance Permit, renewal of Mining Lease and issuing Letter of Intent to preferred bidder and grant of Mineral Concession after issuing LoI have been made on line.
In Housing and Urban Development the services like, change in land use for conversion to Industrial for the land outside the Industrial Parks/ Estates /IDCs etc, Accreditation programs for professional including Architects and Structural Engineers, Construction Permits/ permissions, inspection by building proposal office/ relevant agency as part of building plan approval process, completion/ occupancy certificates etc, have also been made on line.

For getting all types of NOCs (No Demand Certificates) from Fire and Emergency Services Department, getting permission for transportation of timber/ firewood from Forest Department, one has to apply on- line.
In the Labour and Employment Department, services like registration certificates / licenses/ cards/ financial assistances, notices, challans, fines, penalties, verification, reports as also the returns filed by the occupiers/ unit holders/ employers/ applications/ payments, fees made by applicants have also been made online.
The Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumers Affairs, have made the services like- issuance/ renewal of license to manufacturer of Weights and Measures, dealers, for repair of weights and measures and registration as manufacturer/ packer/ importers under Package Commodity Rules as on line.
In Agriculture Production Department the services like, issuance / renewal of license for selling and storage of seed (retail/whole sale), fertilizers ( R/W), License for manufacturer/ seller/ storage/ pesticides/ insecticides fertilizers etc and certificate of registration for manufacturing of physical/ granulated mixture of macro and micro -nutrient, fertilizers, organic fertilizers and bio-fertilizers have been made on-line.

[With inputs from online reports]

JV Team

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